What's all the fuss about?
Mencia is a grape not too many of us are familiar with. There isn't a ton of it on the market, so there isn't a lot to compare this one to. Is this what Mencia is supposed to taste like? If so, why all the hype?
But here's the puzzler: other reviews of this wine are positively gushing. Gushing.
How can a quality product be forgettable? Maybe it's a question of stylistic compatibility. Taste.
Gracias a dios, the market is flush with quality wines at terrific prices from all over the world. Stiff competition for wines like this at prices like this.
Rating: Quality wine that's fine but doesn't live up to the hype or price tag
Mencia is a grape not too many of us are familiar with. There isn't a ton of it on the market, so there isn't a lot to compare this one to. Is this what Mencia is supposed to taste like? If so, why all the hype?
In fariness and full disclosure, this is clearly a well made wine. It's texture and mouth feel give you a sense that it's a quality product, especially after a few hours of breathing. You've got to give it that. But that's pretty much it. The nose is nice and the flavor's fine, but nothing about this wine even hints at remarkable. It's almost forgettable.
But at $24.99, it's likely to be remembered as one not to buy again.
But here's the puzzler: other reviews of this wine are positively gushing. Gushing.
How can a quality product be forgettable? Maybe it's a question of stylistic compatibility. Taste.
Gracias a dios, the market is flush with quality wines at terrific prices from all over the world. Stiff competition for wines like this at prices like this.
Rating: Quality wine that's fine but doesn't live up to the hype or price tag