Of the many great things about going on vacation, creating new memories with old friends is high on the list on the list to be grateful for. Times like this call for special wines. Another great thing about traveling on vacation is discovering new selections that your destination market has to offer.
So, when I walked into a retailer in Littleton, CO yesterday and found myself staring at a 2007 Andrew Murray Terra Bella Syrah, I thought, here's an old friend I'd like to make new memories with. One aisle over was Klinker Brick's Zin, another perennial favorite that's a hell of a bargain to boot.
Though the Terra Bella has haunted my dreams since the 2008 vintage, I'd never had the 2007. Frankly, I was a little nervous about a wine that had clearly sat around on this retailer's shelf for some time, but it did not disappoint. Though mellowed by age, this warmly embracing wine was the perfect complement to our grilled pork chops. I'll be heading back to the store for a refill today.
Like Andrew Murray, the Klinker Brick is no stranger. The 2008 vintage delivered eye-opening round house punches, and the 2009 is no different. This served as pre-dinner warm up with cheese and catching up. Shazam, there is no escaping the obviousness of this wine.
Both of these wines clock in at 15.9%, so the Starbucks run was essential this morning. But the pleasure they each delivered while enjoying the friendship and hospitality of old pals was just what wine is supposed to convey.
So, when I walked into a retailer in Littleton, CO yesterday and found myself staring at a 2007 Andrew Murray Terra Bella Syrah, I thought, here's an old friend I'd like to make new memories with. One aisle over was Klinker Brick's Zin, another perennial favorite that's a hell of a bargain to boot.
Like Andrew Murray, the Klinker Brick is no stranger. The 2008 vintage delivered eye-opening round house punches, and the 2009 is no different. This served as pre-dinner warm up with cheese and catching up. Shazam, there is no escaping the obviousness of this wine.
Both of these wines clock in at 15.9%, so the Starbucks run was essential this morning. But the pleasure they each delivered while enjoying the friendship and hospitality of old pals was just what wine is supposed to convey.