Bordeaux is much maligned - and not without good reason: Prices continue to outpace value thanks to strong demand in Asia. The Bordelaise have pronounced twelve out of the last nine vintages as "Vintage of the Century". And the evolving styles of many chateaux make many wines a moving target for consumers.
So? So Americans turn to other wines. That doesn't mean that there aren't good values still out there. Take this one for example.
2009 Chateau La Grange Clinet Bordeaux $16
From the vaunted (or course it was) 2009 vintage comes this wonderful little bottle. Given some time to breathe and a meal to cozy up to, it expands on its initial humility and delivers increasingly appealing round, dark fruit while maintaining its distinctive Bordeaux character. I first had this while over at a friend's for dinner and pegged it to be twice the price. A good one to enjoy now, but also to throw a six pack in the basement to see how it improves in the years ahead.
So? So Americans turn to other wines. That doesn't mean that there aren't good values still out there. Take this one for example.
2009 Chateau La Grange Clinet Bordeaux $16
From the vaunted (or course it was) 2009 vintage comes this wonderful little bottle. Given some time to breathe and a meal to cozy up to, it expands on its initial humility and delivers increasingly appealing round, dark fruit while maintaining its distinctive Bordeaux character. I first had this while over at a friend's for dinner and pegged it to be twice the price. A good one to enjoy now, but also to throw a six pack in the basement to see how it improves in the years ahead.