Is it coincidence that I opened this bottle the same day as having read Bianca Bosker's brilliant op ed in the New York Times? Probably, but every wincing sip I took of this wine made me rethink my agreeing with her piece.
When Block Nine first came on the market some years ago, this bottling was a welcome addition to the line up. Reasonably priced and reasonably well made are two unusual things to find in pinot noir anymore, let alone in the same one. But times they have changed as reflected by this succinct review.
2015 Block Nine Pinot Noir California $15
Strongly reminiscent of Cherry Coca Cola spiked with inexpensive vodka.
When Block Nine first came on the market some years ago, this bottling was a welcome addition to the line up. Reasonably priced and reasonably well made are two unusual things to find in pinot noir anymore, let alone in the same one. But times they have changed as reflected by this succinct review.
2015 Block Nine Pinot Noir California $15
Strongly reminiscent of Cherry Coca Cola spiked with inexpensive vodka.